Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008. Its about time!

Its Christmas. I sit with the black cat and plan my upcoming year. Yes, I now have a cat. Courtesy my friend Jen who moved to sunny (hot anyway) New Orleans, LA. I will have more to say about that city and other things that have come my way this last year. But I want to say that I will be posting about once a week on various different topics, as I usually don't. For those that pray for my soul because I have attacked the core of Christianity by campaigning and voting for Barack Obama (My Friend Barry) I say, don't waste your breath, or whatever you use. There are many other things that I will continue to do that might land me in ecclesiastical purgatory or hell quicker than electing the first African American Christian/Muslim trained/Agnostic to the presidency of this great nation. And it is a great nation by the way! Some of the people really suck, however they are my sucky fellow citizens and I will fight for the right for them to be ignorant, biased, homophobic, racist, mathematics lovers. 
God Bless America.
I am serious. Its my country and everybody has rights, as long as they don't infringe on mine nor anyone else's.
Keep posted

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Witches Brew Stirred by Christian Leaders

In medieval days, someone who could make it rain on cue was considered a witch. If that definition is still in, then James Dobson’s Focus On the Family Action are playing Macbeth by trying to conjure rain during the Democratic National Convention.


I used to have a friend who said she was an interpretive reader. What that entailed was asking some questions and making inferences from the answers.  Surprisingly she would be right about a person, 50% of the time. Then she would proclaim that she had a gift.  I have seen the “tongue in cheek” response of the Focus On the Family wanting Christians to “pray for rain” during the Democratic National Convention outdoor acceptance speech of Senator Barack Obama.  I know why they pulled the video. Why? Let me quote some scripture:


Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great, and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, "This man is the divine power known as the Great Power." They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his magic: Acts 8:9 NIV


Simon the magician became a Christian. Wow, I bet if he were around he could make it rain like the supposed minister of Christ on Dobson’s Christian witchcraft video.  This is a call to heretical behavior, but that is ok, because all of these religious talking heads jump right into apostasy when it meets their stated goals. I have been viewing shrieking Lou Engle, from another heretical organization, “The Call,” who like the typical self proclaimed “prophet” starts to yell and scream when he wants to make a point, making you think that God is speaking to you.

If Lou Engle speaks for God, God must be a shrieking bigoted grouch.

Without going off on all of the dirty Christian tricks that these false prophets are trying out on people who innocently look to their leadership, I want to say that Dobson’s warlock has a 50% chance of it raining.

So, if it rains, you make the call. Is it God’s judgment? Is it a coincidence? Or is it a case of Christian witchcraft.

Double, double toile and trouble…(Macbeth Act: 4)

Friday, August 8, 2008

My First Blog

There I was, a pimple-faced Indiana teenager, with braces and a brand new shiny Dell Experion with a whopping 200 meg processor, sitting in my bedroom. As I stared vacantly up at my New Kids poster, I tried to act tough, but the words my mother had said earlier in the day coming back from piano lessons were ringing in my ears. "I don't know what this internet hub business is, but I'll be damned if you will be jamming up my phone lines with your modell.." "Modem, mom" I corrected her. It only made her more angry. "Modem, totem ! If I catch you trying to use my phone lines to influence society, mainstream journalism, and building social networks with my long distance plan I will make your life a living, yet comfortably middle class HELL!"
She slammed the door on the mini-van and left me sitting, wondering, was it worth all the trouble to dial-up, upload, pee, wait for uploading,read a book, and then finish the upload and review my work on my Netscape browser, all for the sake of hyperspace freedom.
It was worth it. 
I will succeed
I was destined to become...a blogger
Continued....some  other time.