Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008. Its about time!

Its Christmas. I sit with the black cat and plan my upcoming year. Yes, I now have a cat. Courtesy my friend Jen who moved to sunny (hot anyway) New Orleans, LA. I will have more to say about that city and other things that have come my way this last year. But I want to say that I will be posting about once a week on various different topics, as I usually don't. For those that pray for my soul because I have attacked the core of Christianity by campaigning and voting for Barack Obama (My Friend Barry) I say, don't waste your breath, or whatever you use. There are many other things that I will continue to do that might land me in ecclesiastical purgatory or hell quicker than electing the first African American Christian/Muslim trained/Agnostic to the presidency of this great nation. And it is a great nation by the way! Some of the people really suck, however they are my sucky fellow citizens and I will fight for the right for them to be ignorant, biased, homophobic, racist, mathematics lovers. 
God Bless America.
I am serious. Its my country and everybody has rights, as long as they don't infringe on mine nor anyone else's.
Keep posted

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